RealFlow emitters can interact with all kinds of solid or soft bodies and RealWave objects. These standard emitters show a very high level of detail, are easy to use and can be affected by any daemon to react with various forces. In contrast to RealFlow’s grid fluid emitters, this type is mainly suited for small to mid range simulations. The technology behind our standard particle fluid emitters is called “Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics”, also called SPH.
With this advanced feature you can achieve absolutely realistic results, utilizing the full power of your network machines. Due to the large amount of particles, all secondary elements are normally simulated as a post process in a network. RealFlow calculates the conditions for splash, foam and mist formation, and automatically creates and controls these elements. With Hybrido, fluid artists are able to simulate impressive shots, like oceans with breaking waves, huge floods, turbulent coasts with cliffs and rocks, or ships travelling through turbulent water during a heavy storm. He is currently a managing partner at 3Quarter FZ LLC, AMG Media and at The division FX.But, it has always been difficult to fill large areas and volumes with fluids and add secondary effects such as spray. Hashem loves painting and sculpting, but developing smart robots is his main passion.
He started as a character specialist, then worked as a technical director, and has been working as a visual effects supervisor since 2006. He studied mathematics and physics in college and then graduated from an electronics/engineering university. Hashem Alshaer is a VFX director/ supervisor with more than 15 years of experience in visual effects for TV commercials, movies and feature films. The course also covers shading, lighting, and rendering to create final images, allowing users to apply what they have learned and build their own similar scenes.
Learn how to create high-end quality big water effects using your home PC obtaining assets from the CG programs you’re already using!
The techniques used in this course can be applied to any big water simulation scenario for indy projects, feature film, and commercial work. White particles driven by Hybrido’s main body of water and external ocean forces will be used to create multiple layers of splashes, foam, mist and wave effects. The course utilizes RealFlow’s Hybrido simulation tools, as well as its secondary particle systems (white particles), to create a highly detailed stormy ocean plus an impact of a large whale into the stormy water surface. A variety of RealFlow tools are used to get the required plan executed with precision while maintaining creative freedom, but we also will have the chance to complete the whale scene and get the final result including lighting, rendering to the final comp! It uses heavily researched techniques to apply a well-focused art-directed look on an epic stormy water simulation, including a high waves beach scene and a big whale jump out and back into a large ocean surface. Taught by Hashem Alshaer, this course covers a conceptually high-end visual effects scene. The learning structure used in this video allows all users to be able to follow its content from start to end. This project-based RealFlow course is geared towards the technically inclined independent or resident studio artist. Title: FXPHD – RFL205- Big Water With RealFlow
Duration 7h 44m Project Files Included MP4